Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Jambo! I'm finally in Africa! And I've already discovered alot of things in the past day... the first being that I cannot sleep on planes. So, I have now been awake for 31 hours. And yet I'm not feeling it thanks to all the coffee they served! I was so glad to get off the second plane in Nairobi; I am so excited to be here! Asgar drove me around and told me about some of the things we will be doing before we came back to his house. The driving here is crazy! I didn't see any speed limit signs, but Asgar assures me there are speed limits (though they certainly weren't followed). And forget stopping at red lights, everyone just zips through them at night because there is frequent mugging. Oh, and as for the traffic lanes, well, I saw them marked, but I get the feeling that they really don't matter, you just basically zig-zag around... but don't worry mom and dad, I felt perfectly safe! We did actually stop at one light, because the president and his 20 cars were passing! So, I've seen the presidents car on my first night, how cool! Asgar told me about the different projects he works for, which I will talk more about later because I want to do them justice. He does so many different things and I am so excited to see it all first hand. Well, I'm off to do some reading and then sleep! I'll blog again soon once I have something more interesting to share!


Randal Swiggum said...

Hey Devri,
It was great to hear you share in worship last Sunday. You spoke really well and I think we were all inspired and excited to think about your trip.

We'll be praying for you and looking forward to reading your blog!

P.S. Did you know my sister Lynn lived in Kenya for a year? You can try out your Swahili on her!

Grandma Lani said...

Hi Devri - I guess my first comment to you didn't go through. G. Stan and I are so happy you made it safely to Africa. Stay safe. We're excited to check in and read your blogs whenever you get a chance to post. Let us know what animals you see, the kind of food you eat and if you see any African fabric or dolls. What an exciting adventure. Take lots of photos. Lots of love and prayers, Grandma Lani

Sheena said...

Dear Devri,
Great to hear you have arrived safe and sound. I am so jealous! Please say a huge HI to Asgar and give him my love. I am excited to hear all about your days and what you are up to. I am going to try and put the blog address on our website so our supporters can check what you are up to and get a feel for Kenya and all there is to see and experience! Take care, have fun, always look for wildlife!! Love Sheena

Jessica said...

Hey Devri,

I hope you are having a great time, it sure sounds like you are. Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you on Monday when I was flying, saying to myself, "I think Devri is flying to Africa today too!"

Have a fun and safe trip and I want to hear stories when I see you next (which hopefully I will be sooner than fall semester!)

Love, Jess